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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a primary care network?

Primary care networks are collaborations between general practises and a variety of local providers, such as community services, social agencies, and the voluntary sector. Want to learn more? Click the button below.

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What do primary care networks do?

Primary care networks save lives and enhance health, improve the quality of care for people with multiple health conditions and contribute to the NHS's long-term sustainability. Want to learn more? Click the button below.

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How do primary care networks benefit patients?

Primary Care networks provide care in different ways to match different people’s needs – including flexible access to advice and support for ‘healthier’ sections of the population, and joined up care for those with complex conditions. Want to learn more? Click the button below.

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What practices are within Viaduct?

Viaduct primary care network is made up of 8 practices from the Huddersfield area, to find out which practices they are click the button below.

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